Sunday, January 28, 2024

New Year, Same Me.

    Well, here it is.
   At the writing of this post, it's near the end of January 2024. Around this time, people are either bearing down and following their resolutions, or have pretty much given up on them. You know 'resolutions', right? Those declarations that people make about what they want to do in the New Year? Whether it's "I'm going to the gym more", or "I'm going to start eating healthier!", or " Maybe I'll try not to wish death on that person at work I hate so much. At least a little bit". Whatever it is, it's meant to create a 'New Me!'. It's a promise you make to yourself, but sometimes it's not easy to keep. So, many people just take a "Next year for sure!" attitude when they don't carry it out. Nothing wrong with that. Do what you can, when you can.

   Speaking of resolutions, want to see a list of mine? Well, here you are:

     Yep, I don't have any. That's because I don't do them. Why? Well, because I feel that if you want to do something (especially if it's something to make you healthier), you shouldn't wait to do it. If you decide in, say, May, that you want to eat better, why would you wait? Do it then, not wait 7+ months to start it. Better health shouldn't have to wait. Same with hitting the gym. Yes, I know that sometimes money is the issue, and people would rather wait until after the holidays to start something that costs money (because they need to pay off said holidays). But if you can afford it (or it doesn't cost anything), do it or start it NOW, rather than later. You'll be glad you did.

    As for me, I've never done them. Don't need them. If I want or need to do something, I don't like to wait. Let's be honest. If you need a coat at the beginning of winter, why would you wait to get it at Christmas? Because you have to buy others presents, and you've figured, "Eh. Just get everything at once. That's fine."?
NO. Get your coat FIRST, THEN worry about the other stuff. Don't inconvenience yourself for the sake of others when it comes to things like this. "I don't have the money to do that! I have to wait until I get my extra cash for the holidays!" NO. They can wait. So what if your cousin's-girlfriend's-brother's-nephew doesn't get a PlayGamer 77 (with the built-in Facial Recognition package ONLY AVAILABLE ON OUR PURPLE/GREEN/YELLOW CONSOLE FOR A LIMITED TIME!!!!!) from you. Let someone else be the 'cool relative'. If they don't like it, too damn bad. Don't resolve to "Get a new coat sometime next year. Eventually...". Get it when you need it. Period.

   That being said, if you do them, great. No worries. But, ask yourself, "Do I want to wait, or do I have to wait?". There's the difference. If you have to, then you have to. No judgment. But if you want to, just give it a re-think. You may be glad you did. 

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