Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Yep...Still here...

    How have you all been? I hope you're all doing well. Myself? Well, not bad. Some interesting things have been going on recently, but I'm not at liberty to discuss them just yet. Don't worry, nothing bad. Just....interesting.

     On a personal level, I've been trying to keep up with my hobbies. Mainly, model building. I don't have the area I need for any indoor painting, so I have to either move the car out of the garage, or wait until the weather's nicer and spray outside. They say that the joy in a journey is more in the actual journey itself, rather than  the destination. Which is good, because my journeys take a lot longer than I'd like them to sometimes....

     And, I've been listening to a podcast I really enjoy, called 'Time Suck'. It's by the comedian Dan Cummins (who also has a second podcast he does with his wife Lynze called 'Scared To Death'), and it touches on all sorts of strange, weird, and sometimes tragic (and terrible) subjects. The episodes are here. The earlier ones are about half an hour long, and the later ones around two hours plus. Just a heads up, though...he peppers them with references to past shows (usually with characters from them), and he likes to swear. A lot. So, NSFW, unless you have earbuds or headphones. He also has merchandise. Because, of course he does. :)

    Well, that seems to be it for this chapter's TED Talk. Join me next time, when I might have something interesting, funny, or informative to say.

Or not. :) 

Yep...Still here...

    Well.     How have you all been? I hope you're all doing well. Myself? Well, not bad. Some interesting things have been going on rec...