I have a habit of writing things down a lot; if a thought or idea hits me, I'll try to jot it down for later. Here's a selection of said thoughts I've accumulated over time.
***Never give yourself a reason to not do something. Putting something off doesn't make it go away - it just makes it harder to finish.
***Never underestimate the power of a kind thought, word, or deed.
***Don't be afraid to 'color outside the lines'. That's where the fun usually is.
***One of the hardest things about dealing with people is having patience. It may be a virtue, but sometimes it makes you wonder if it's worthwhile. Especially when it feels like the odds are stacked against you. After all, how many times can you deal with someone who just doesn't want to understand what you're telling them?
***Your children are NOT your 'friends'. They're your children. Your job is to raise them, help them learn and mature, and make sure that they know right from wrong. They are a part of you, and they reflect what they are exposed to. It's not your responsibility to hang out with them, to party with them, to act like you're "one of the gang" with them. They need your love and your guidance, not for you to drink with them and act like 'the Cool Parent'. Be understanding of their wants and needs. Help them through the rough times, and share the good times with them. Build them up by being what they NEED, not what you think they want.
***Always check the coin returns on vending machines. Change is still money.
***"Love what you do, and do what you love. If you do that, then your work isn't really work!"
Yes, it is. If you have to produce something, have deadlines, have to actually do something in exchange for a paycheck, then it's work. It might be fun, exciting, challenging, etc., but it's still making a living. I don't want my work to be *FUN*!!!; I want it to be something separate from 'fun'. I enjoy 'Fun'. I tolerate 'Work'.
***Put the shopping cart into the corral at the store. At least put it out the way of where a car has to drive. Show a little sense, huh people?
***Never ask a question you really don't want to know the answer to.
***"Please" and "Thank you" aren't dirty words. They can be magic words, however. Said with sincerity they can actually work *Magic*! Try it! You may be surprised!
***Let the car pass you on the road, okay? Playing "NONE SHALL PASS!" on the road can be at best, troublesome. At worst, fatal. Just let them do it, and save yourself some trouble.
***I love watching the sun rise on a nice, clear day. I just wish it wasn't so early. Couldn't it rise at noon or so sometimes?
***Nothing lasts forever. People, places, things, animals, plants...one day the sun will set on every thing, and that will be that. Before it happens, though, make the most of things. LIVE. EXPLORE. EXPERIENCE. BE. Let yourself become enlightened with what's around you. Be curious about the world, but also be aware of your surroundings, both internal as well as external. Know your limits. See them, recognize them, acknowledge them.
And push past them anyway.
***Only YOU, are responsible for YOU. Who you are, what you are, what you want to be or accomplish...these things are for you to decide. Know who you are. And be what you will. There's only one You. So be the best You you can.
***If anyone ever gives you advice, remember this:
You are under no obligation to follow it. If you feel it's right for you, then by all means, take it. If not, then don't. And don't feel bad for not following it. It's your life and your decision. And don't let people try to make you feel bad for not taking it. If it's so good, let them follow it.
*****Here Endeth The TED Talk for today.*****
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