Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Cycling and the Stupid

   Near where we live, there were old, disused railroad tracks. Trains used to run on them, but a few years ago, they stopped. Eventually, the tracks were pulled up, and the spaces where they ran were converted to hiking and biking trails. You and walk for several miles on them; a very nice use for them for the health conscious. To make sure of the safety of the people using them, warning signs were placed where they crossed over roads. The cyclist or hiker would come up to the road, press a button, and a warning light would flash, letting traffic know that someone was on the trail, and wanted to cross. Simple, and logical. Not that hard to do, right?

  Well, it seems that, for some, it is. More often than not, a lot of cyclists - not hikers - seem to be unable to grasp the simple concept of button-pressing. They either just stop, and wait for traffic to clear (or the cars to stop on their own), or they just throw caution (and common sense) to the wind, and cross regardless....taking their lives (and the lives of the drivers) into their own hands. 

  I dislike these people with a passion. I really do. 

  Look, not everyone is going to stop for anyone crossing a road in front of them. Some, I think, actively WANT people to do that, so that they can 'teach them a lesson'. Not me. My goal on the road is to get from Point A to Point B with the least amount of hassle and trouble. When some clown wearing a helmet on a flimsy two-wheeler jumps in front of you, it's hard to keep control and stop quick. Plus, they give you a look that says, "Screw you! Share the road!!"
  No. I won't. I'll 'share the road' when YOU learn to obey the Rules of Said Road, Skippy. That means, you stop properly, signal when you're turning, and giving Right-Of-Way to others. If you want to be treated equally, act equally. 

  And remember, not every car driver, is a safe driver. 


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