Friday, September 6, 2024

I am now official!

   Well, they kept their word!

 The place I was a contract worker for, officially hired me on! It's a good feeling, especially when you consider I'll be hitting the ol' Retirement Age within ten years (Really? Yes, really!) But, I plan on hanging on a bit after, if I can. It's the least I can do for them, since they actually want me there. It's a good feeling, let me tell you.To give you an idea of why I'm happy to be here, here's a list of jobs I've had (at least those off the top of my head):


*Retail (comic book shop, toy store (two different ones), Sharper Image-type store, curtain retailer)

*Food service (McDonald's, cook for a small restaurant, steakhouse dishwasher/cleanup (my first job, by the way!))

*Weatherproofing school buildings

*Manufacturing (making de-burring tools for steel, insulating exhaust systems,  making tire-pressure gauges, industrial lifts (current job))

  Yes, that's 13 jobs I've had in my life (at least those I can remember). Some of them are no longer around, and a few were for the summer while I was in school. But now, I (hopefully!) will not have to look anymore. It's a good feeling.

  And here's hoping your situation is a good one, as well.



Sunday, June 2, 2024

New Job!

   Guess who has a new job? Go on, take a guess.
   Yep. Me!
    What am I doing now? Manufacturing lift systems for a local company. I like the work, and the people. At the moment, it's contractual ('temp'), but it's a contract-for-hire, which means they want me there permanently. Nice!

    Now, why am I here? well....
    It has to do with three prior jobs (I'll call the companies 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D').
Now, 'A' was one I started in 2010, working on climate controls. I loved the work, and got along with a good deal of the people working there (Hello, if you're reading this!). But, as it was foreign-owned, it got bought out by another company, who moved it out of the country. So, after 'the band broke up' (after about 7 years), it was time to look around again.

    As luck would have it, 'B' was looking for people. It was a company that was insulating exhaust systems, and was next to 'A', and was being used by them as a overflow warehouse. Nice! Plus, I was with a few people from 'A' as well!


   'B' was owned also by a foreign company, but its office was in another state. Long and somewhat convoluted story short, mid-August 2023 (with THREE of us working there, not including the supervisor), we were told that one was leaving, and the doors were shutting at the end of the year. But, they 'graciously' offered the two of us left that we could join them their; the other guy said 'Yes', I said 'No'. So, two down (this one, after 5 years)....


   'C' was looking for a few people. By this time, I'm back as a contract person, and was brought into this other place. Which, was in the same building 'A' was in! They made tire pressure gauges mainly for big rig semi trucks and other industrial vehicles. The materials were very similar to what we used at 'A', so I had no problem there. Plus, myself and another contract got along great with our co-workers, who really wanted us to be hired, as a LOT as planning on coming in. What could go wrong?


    After three weeks, on Good Friday, I got a text from the service, saying that my 'Contract had been fulfilled', and not to report to work on Monday.
I texted the floor supervisor, and he verified it. All done.
So, Monday early, I went there to turn my keycard in. I told my co-workers what had happened, and they were stunned! They WANTED us there, because it was going to ramp up a LOT. They said they'd contact the supervisor and try to 'get it straightened out' and let me and the other person know.

    No luck. Struck out.

    A few days later, the service contacted me, and told me of this other place, that makes lifts. Would I be interested?

    Of course! I didn't have anything else going on.

    Well, I went there, met the people, looked it over, and here I am! The best part? Even though I'm still not 'official' yet, they treat me like I am. Should have come here first!

    While I wish that 'A' were still around, and I was working with the people who made it enjoyable, I'm glad I'm at a place I feel good about. Even though I keep in touch, I'd still like to see and talk to them every day. They made the work enjoyable, and I'm glad I met them.

   So, here's to you, my Work Family.  Miss you, and think about you.

    And I hope you do, as well.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Yep...Still here...

    How have you all been? I hope you're all doing well. Myself? Well, not bad. Some interesting things have been going on recently, but I'm not at liberty to discuss them just yet. Don't worry, nothing bad. Just....interesting.

     On a personal level, I've been trying to keep up with my hobbies. Mainly, model building. I don't have the area I need for any indoor painting, so I have to either move the car out of the garage, or wait until the weather's nicer and spray outside. They say that the joy in a journey is more in the actual journey itself, rather than  the destination. Which is good, because my journeys take a lot longer than I'd like them to sometimes....

     And, I've been listening to a podcast I really enjoy, called 'Time Suck'. It's by the comedian Dan Cummins (who also has a second podcast he does with his wife Lynze called 'Scared To Death'), and it touches on all sorts of strange, weird, and sometimes tragic (and terrible) subjects. The episodes are here. The earlier ones are about half an hour long, and the later ones around two hours plus. Just a heads up, though...he peppers them with references to past shows (usually with characters from them), and he likes to swear. A lot. So, NSFW, unless you have earbuds or headphones. He also has merchandise. Because, of course he does. :)

    Well, that seems to be it for this chapter's TED Talk. Join me next time, when I might have something interesting, funny, or informative to say.

Or not. :) 

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Warm too soon!

  Well, here it is...the beginning of March, 2024. Very very little snow on the ground (if any, depending on where you live), warm temperatures (it hit 72 degrees Fahrenheit here about a week ago, if that!), and people wearing short pants, and no coats. Heaven.
    Except, it's not supposed to be like this right now. It's supposed to be snowy and cold, with freezing winds and ice on the trees. Why? Because lakes and rivers like snow - it helps 'feed' them. Plus the cold helps to kill off molds and other allergens, keeping us from getting too sick. And do I have to mention it kills the  bugs no one wants to deal with year round? Yes, it sucks, but it's necessary for things to work right. We need that stuff here, because it helps us in the long run. Besides, my main worry right now, is are we going to get SLAMMED soon? You know, the Balance is upset, so Nature will 'correct' it kind of thing. It could still happen. Which is why I recommend you still be prepared to dress warmly, and take a coat, even if it doesn't look like you'll need one. Be prepared, as the Scouts say.

    Just don't be too surprised if it happens. Better safe than sorry!

Sunday, January 28, 2024

New Year, Same Me.

    Well, here it is.
   At the writing of this post, it's near the end of January 2024. Around this time, people are either bearing down and following their resolutions, or have pretty much given up on them. You know 'resolutions', right? Those declarations that people make about what they want to do in the New Year? Whether it's "I'm going to the gym more", or "I'm going to start eating healthier!", or " Maybe I'll try not to wish death on that person at work I hate so much. At least a little bit". Whatever it is, it's meant to create a 'New Me!'. It's a promise you make to yourself, but sometimes it's not easy to keep. So, many people just take a "Next year for sure!" attitude when they don't carry it out. Nothing wrong with that. Do what you can, when you can.

   Speaking of resolutions, want to see a list of mine? Well, here you are:

     Yep, I don't have any. That's because I don't do them. Why? Well, because I feel that if you want to do something (especially if it's something to make you healthier), you shouldn't wait to do it. If you decide in, say, May, that you want to eat better, why would you wait? Do it then, not wait 7+ months to start it. Better health shouldn't have to wait. Same with hitting the gym. Yes, I know that sometimes money is the issue, and people would rather wait until after the holidays to start something that costs money (because they need to pay off said holidays). But if you can afford it (or it doesn't cost anything), do it or start it NOW, rather than later. You'll be glad you did.

    As for me, I've never done them. Don't need them. If I want or need to do something, I don't like to wait. Let's be honest. If you need a coat at the beginning of winter, why would you wait to get it at Christmas? Because you have to buy others presents, and you've figured, "Eh. Just get everything at once. That's fine."?
NO. Get your coat FIRST, THEN worry about the other stuff. Don't inconvenience yourself for the sake of others when it comes to things like this. "I don't have the money to do that! I have to wait until I get my extra cash for the holidays!" NO. They can wait. So what if your cousin's-girlfriend's-brother's-nephew doesn't get a PlayGamer 77 (with the built-in Facial Recognition package ONLY AVAILABLE ON OUR PURPLE/GREEN/YELLOW CONSOLE FOR A LIMITED TIME!!!!!) from you. Let someone else be the 'cool relative'. If they don't like it, too damn bad. Don't resolve to "Get a new coat sometime next year. Eventually...". Get it when you need it. Period.

   That being said, if you do them, great. No worries. But, ask yourself, "Do I want to wait, or do I have to wait?". There's the difference. If you have to, then you have to. No judgment. But if you want to, just give it a re-think. You may be glad you did. 

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Last post of 2023. More or less...

     Hey, everyone. How's it going? Doing fine? Hope so. Me? Well....not too bad. I'll hit you with a long-ish post after the New Year. Don't want to harsh you out right now.  Goodness knows we've had a right fair amount of that during the last several months. Fighting, lawsuits, deaths (celebrity and others), ups, downs, ins, outs, lefts, rights, forwards, backwards - way too much to discuss here. I can honestly say that we don't need any more interesting things happening next year; although, we'll probably get more of the same. I think we're good on 'surprises' and what-not. Let's have a good, not-so-crazy year in 2024, okay? 

     So, let's be safe, happy, and hopefully better off. As Red Green said:

    "I'm pullin' for ya. We're all in this together."

Friday, November 24, 2023

Some thoughts and stuff....

    I have a habit of writing things down a lot; if a thought or idea hits me, I'll try to jot it down for later. Here's a selection of said thoughts I've accumulated over time.

***Never give yourself a reason to not do something. Putting something off doesn't make it go away - it just makes it harder to finish.

***Never underestimate the power of a kind thought, word, or deed.

***Don't be afraid to 'color outside the lines'. That's where the fun usually is.

***One of the hardest things about dealing with people is having patience. It may be a virtue, but sometimes it makes you wonder if it's worthwhile. Especially when it feels like the odds are stacked against you. After all, how many times can you deal with someone who just doesn't want to understand what you're telling them?

***Your children are NOT your 'friends'. They're your children. Your job is to raise them, help them learn and mature, and make sure that they know right from wrong. They are a part of you, and they reflect what they are exposed to. It's not your responsibility to hang out with them, to party with them, to act like you're "one of the gang" with them. They need your love and your guidance, not for you to drink with them and act like 'the Cool Parent'. Be understanding of their wants and needs. Help them through the rough times, and share the good times with them. Build them up by being what they NEED, not what you think they want.

***Always check the coin returns on vending machines. Change is still money.

***"Love what you do, and do what you love. If you do that, then your work isn't really work!"
Yes, it is. If you have to produce something, have deadlines, have to actually do something in exchange for a paycheck, then it's work. It might be fun, exciting, challenging, etc., but it's still making a living. I don't want my work to be *FUN*!!!; I want it to be something separate from 'fun'. I enjoy 'Fun'. I tolerate 'Work'.

***Put the shopping cart into the corral at the store. At least put it out the way of where a car has to drive. Show a little sense, huh people?

***Never ask a question you really don't want to know the answer to.

***"Please" and "Thank you" aren't dirty words. They can be magic words, however. Said with sincerity they can actually work *Magic*! Try it! You may be surprised!

***Let the car pass you on the road, okay? Playing "NONE SHALL PASS!" on the road can be at best, troublesome. At worst, fatal. Just let them do it, and save yourself some trouble.

***I love watching the sun rise on a nice, clear day. I just wish it wasn't so early. Couldn't it rise at noon or so sometimes?

***Nothing lasts forever. People, places, things, animals, day the sun will set on every thing, and that will be that. Before it happens, though, make the most of things. LIVE. EXPLORE. EXPERIENCE. BE. Let yourself become enlightened with what's around you. Be curious about the world, but also be aware of your surroundings, both internal as well as external. Know your limits. See them, recognize them, acknowledge them.
And push past them anyway.

***Only YOU, are responsible for YOU. Who you are, what you are, what you want to be or accomplish...these things are for you to decide. Know who you are. And be what you will. There's only one You. So be the best You you can.

***If anyone ever gives you advice, remember this:
   You are under no obligation to follow it. If you feel it's right for you, then by all means, take it. If not, then don't. And don't feel bad for not following it. It's your life and your decision. And don't let people try to make you feel bad for not taking it. If it's so good, let them follow it.

*****Here Endeth The TED Talk for today.*****

I am now official!

   Well, they kept their word!  The place I was a contract worker for, officially hired me on! It's a good feeling, especially when you ...