Sunday, June 2, 2024

New Job!

   Guess who has a new job? Go on, take a guess.
   Yep. Me!
    What am I doing now? Manufacturing lift systems for a local company. I like the work, and the people. At the moment, it's contractual ('temp'), but it's a contract-for-hire, which means they want me there permanently. Nice!

    Now, why am I here? well....
    It has to do with three prior jobs (I'll call the companies 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D').
Now, 'A' was one I started in 2010, working on climate controls. I loved the work, and got along with a good deal of the people working there (Hello, if you're reading this!). But, as it was foreign-owned, it got bought out by another company, who moved it out of the country. So, after 'the band broke up' (after about 7 years), it was time to look around again.

    As luck would have it, 'B' was looking for people. It was a company that was insulating exhaust systems, and was next to 'A', and was being used by them as a overflow warehouse. Nice! Plus, I was with a few people from 'A' as well!


   'B' was owned also by a foreign company, but its office was in another state. Long and somewhat convoluted story short, mid-August 2023 (with THREE of us working there, not including the supervisor), we were told that one was leaving, and the doors were shutting at the end of the year. But, they 'graciously' offered the two of us left that we could join them their; the other guy said 'Yes', I said 'No'. So, two down (this one, after 5 years)....


   'C' was looking for a few people. By this time, I'm back as a contract person, and was brought into this other place. Which, was in the same building 'A' was in! They made tire pressure gauges mainly for big rig semi trucks and other industrial vehicles. The materials were very similar to what we used at 'A', so I had no problem there. Plus, myself and another contract got along great with our co-workers, who really wanted us to be hired, as a LOT as planning on coming in. What could go wrong?


    After three weeks, on Good Friday, I got a text from the service, saying that my 'Contract had been fulfilled', and not to report to work on Monday.
I texted the floor supervisor, and he verified it. All done.
So, Monday early, I went there to turn my keycard in. I told my co-workers what had happened, and they were stunned! They WANTED us there, because it was going to ramp up a LOT. They said they'd contact the supervisor and try to 'get it straightened out' and let me and the other person know.

    No luck. Struck out.

    A few days later, the service contacted me, and told me of this other place, that makes lifts. Would I be interested?

    Of course! I didn't have anything else going on.

    Well, I went there, met the people, looked it over, and here I am! The best part? Even though I'm still not 'official' yet, they treat me like I am. Should have come here first!

    While I wish that 'A' were still around, and I was working with the people who made it enjoyable, I'm glad I'm at a place I feel good about. Even though I keep in touch, I'd still like to see and talk to them every day. They made the work enjoyable, and I'm glad I met them.

   So, here's to you, my Work Family.  Miss you, and think about you.

    And I hope you do, as well.

I am now official!

   Well, they kept their word!  The place I was a contract worker for, officially hired me on! It's a good feeling, especially when you ...