Saturday, December 31, 2022

Last of 2022. Just a quick one.

   My last post of 2022. Well well well. :)

   I know I've been lax - things come up, and time gets short. In fact, I had several ideas I was going to talk about, but they were somewhat 'seasonal' and it's too late now (no one wants to hear about Christmas stuff after it's over. Maybe next year...). However, I *can* talk about...
   Resolutions. As in, New Year's.
  As in, I don't do them.

   Now, I get the whole 'New year/New Slate' thing; people sometimes need a little push to get themselves to do something: get a new job, lose weight, quit smoking, etc. They see the start on the new year as a fresh start - something to get them up and running! To get them energized! To Get Things DONE!!
   Not me.
   For me, I don't need an excuse to start (or end) something around January 1st. If I want to do it, I do it. I don't need a calendar to decide that for me. If the mood strikes me in July, well then, that's good enough. If I have to wait a bit before I can get it started (say, because of weather), then I'll wait until I can do it as soon as possible. You see, I'm a bit of a procrastinator; I need to get motivated to do something as soon as I can, so I can get it finished. Otherwise, who knows how long it's going to take? Plus, if I start something, then stop at a  certain point, it might take me a bit to pick it up again. And when that happens, I feel the need to rush it, which isn't always good. I'm a lot better about things now, though. Maybe because I'm older, and make myself plan my time better. But, sooner started, sooner finished.

  That's one of the reasons why I pass on resolutions. I put stuff off enough without them. Who knows how long I'd put them off with them?

I am now official!

   Well, they kept their word!  The place I was a contract worker for, officially hired me on! It's a good feeling, especially when you ...