Saturday, March 26, 2022

Hello. How you doing?

  Been a bit, I know.
  How you doing? Good? I know, it's a little hard to have a good day, what with everything going on right now. Wish there were better news to relate; but, it seems that every time something good shows up, something not so good makes an entrance, and things go awry. And, it always seems like the Bad News overshadows the Good News...too much, too soon, and all that. Illness, war, hate speech, fact, just about any Bad Thing that *can* happen, seems to happen.

   But, it doesn't have to rule the day. It doesn't have to make you feel bad, or helpless, or lost.
   How? Well...
   You see, I can't tell you what to do in situations like this. All I can do, is offer what *I* do.  No one can tell you how to feel in these times; you just have to trust yourself.
   What do I do? Pick what to worry about. It's like 'picking your battles', except you're not trying to win anything. Well, except maybe some peace of mind. You can't change the world, nor help what others might think about you. You shouldn't ignore everything, but you can't let it take control of your life, either. It's okay to worry about people in adverse situations. In fact, it's the human thing to do. just know that not everyone will; it's not really their fault (well, maybe *a little*). But their problems and shortcomings ARE NOT YOURS. Don't let Them control how you think, feel, act, behave, or believe. Be your own person, not Theirs. Let them talk, whisper, or whatever. It's not YOUR problem, it's THEIRS. You are your own person.

   Don't let them win. They are not worthy.

New Year, New Stuff......

     Well. Another year is gone, and a new one upon us. Hurrah, and all that.    A lot has gone on, and it seems like more 'fun and thri...